Category Archives: PBL Scaffolding

How Tyler Haney Used Innovative Thinking to Create Athleisure #OutdoorVoices #PBL

Tyler Haney was unsatisfied with the athletic-wear that was on the market when she tried to get into running. The only athletic-wear on the market were companies like Nike and Adidas who made clothes for intense athletes. She wanted to design a clothing line for mediocre athletes who aren’t intense or headed to the Olympics. Tyler was iterative as she tested out her clothes with her running buddies and used feedback to correct the seams in the clothing and functionality of it. This can relate to Jason as he constantly asks for feedback from the users of his software, Campfire Technology, and he tracks the usage on his website.


What made Tyler Haney be inspired to create her company, Outdoor Voices, and why was she unsatisfied with other apparel items, like Nike and Adidas? (first 10 minutes)

Why was the style and material of her newly designed clothing ideas different from her competition? Who was her audience that she targeted, what kind of athletes? (minute 16)

Who was the person that Tyler met at the tradeshow? What was his job? What did he see in Tyler, and why was he the only person that trusted her new pitch? Explain. (minute 20)

What was Tyler’s opinions on the very first prototype? How did she fund these startup issues? How did she begin her first product testing? (minute 28)

In what store did her apparel first launch? Did it do well? How did she put her business model together? How was Outdoor Voices expanded? (minute 48)

Joe Gebbia’s Airbnb: How he made it work despite all the doubts

Joe Gebbia, co-founder and chief product officer of Airbnb

Every startup faces a fair amount of obstacles and disapproval. However, few can compare to Joe Gebbia’s Airbnb. Called off by one of the biggest names in the fields such as Bill Gates to “not work”, Gebbia turns the disapproval of others to the company’s fuel to make it better. In this podcast, Gebbia also explains the habits which he considers useful to his company, whether entrepreneurship is an inherent trait, and some common advice – all within 17 minutes.


  • (Podcast Time: 5:10) One of the founders mentioned the disapproval of others to be his “fuel” to do something. How has his mindset and attitude affected the creation and development of his company? How does this show the iterative culture of #PennPBL?
  • (Podcast Time 7:00) Here the founder discusses his habit of collecting old proof books from the junkyard, turning them into valuable products, and selling them online. How do you think his habit has contributed to the advances of his company?
  • (Podcast Time 9:10) The founder here gives an advice he has heard during his time doing a startup: “In a startup, don’t die.” Relate this to the events that happened which was mentioned in the podcast. To what extent do you think this statement is true?
  • (Podcast Time 11:00) The founder states that being an entrepreneur is not an “inherent trait,” and it can be learned. Explain your thinking about this statement. Also, he states an experience of his own which shows this quality. How important do you think that quality is in being an entrepreneur?
  • What is the most important, useful, or interesting insight you have gained from this episode of the podcast?